Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Imperfect Is The New Perfect

So, I've been getting into Caitlin Crosby. She's amazing. All her songs have a powerful message, which is a quality I hope to achieve in the music I write. Go check her out. Also I found this band Heroes On Parade and they are amazing as well. I WANT THE LEAD SINGER'S VOICE. Its perfect I think haha. Go check both artists out on myspace.

Oh...& Embrace your flaws. Something I'm just now learning

Peace & Acceptance,

Kelsey Robinson

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Secret Life Of A PreCal Student

So the story behind my new video is pretty simple. When I took pre calculus I was never really the class genius, teachers pet, class clown, or a Teresa :]. All the characters I played were based off of my actual class mates, which all have different names, purposly. We were getting handed back out tests and I had recieved a B and my teacher made a whole big deal about how this was a mistake and impossible...I was glad to know she had so much faith in me haha. So I decided to make a video about my experience, because my life and you guys inspire my videos. I never posted it because I didn't feel the need to, but I guess you guys might find some humor in it haha.

Peace & Reliable Teachers,
Kelsey Robinson


I think I have a cover in mind that I want to record today. Off to learn the lyrics :]

Peace & Over-Postage For One Day
Kelsey Robinson

Gotta Love Online Mash Games <3

Haha, anyone remember that game, especially the girls. LOL, I found one online and here's my result:

Peace & Bright Futures,
Kelsey Robinson
er apparently
Kelsey Yaw (Dawson) lol nice...

It's Been A While...

Ah, home sweet home. I had a nice vacation but It feels right being able to sleep in my own bed tonight...at 3am though. I gotta stay awake to watch Shane Dawson's 2nd tv apperance at 2:30am, dedication. But I'm Kelsey fricken Robinson, I can do this. So lets talk a little bit about my vacation. My sister Jordan, and I went to my Grandparent's house and my cousin Dustin flew in. That was on tuesday. We just chilled the whole day watching movies. I saw Paul Blart and Taken for the first time as well as Bolt, Transformers, & The Day The Earth Stood Still. Lazy day, I kept hearing my friend David's voice in my head saying "Get Active", kind of his signature line. Then on Wednesday we went to the beach and a lighthouse which was amazing. I love running in the sand. I got active David :]. On Thursday we went to our cabin and did nothing again. I lost a couple card games but Dustin being from Vegas...I really had no chance. Friday we went and walked around town, got bored so we went to the Lake. I failed my swimming test, go me! So I had to stay in the shallower points of the lake. So I can't do breaststroke, big whoop. Then we went on a nature hike...I'm really outdoorsy as you could tell from my Brittani Taylor video so I loved every minute of it. Actually the hike was before the lake, haha. We left on Saturday, went to In-N-Out and went home. Watched NASCAR <3, haha guilty pleasure. Today, er yesterday I guess since its 12:30 am, we watched NASCAR again and Kasey Kahne won :] then all went our separate ways and I got to see my daddy just in time for fathers day. Speaking of fathers day I finally got to see Shane Dawson's video Happy Father(less) Day, ooh tear jerker. Inspired me to write a song maybe you'll hear it in the near future. Still a working title, but I'm kind of liking The Forgotten, but it kind of sounds like a movie. Oh well, look out for that. I wanna film a new video tomorrow but I'm thinking of posting an older one, we'll see we'll see. Wow this is a long post haha. I love you guys so very much and think about you all the time...seriously the whole trip Youtube was constantly being brought up in my mind lol.

Peace & Obsessiveness,
Kelsey Robinson

P.S. I was kind of dissappointed with the Jonas Brothers new cd ;[ I miss my '05 Jersey Boys. But It was aite :/ Thoughts???

P.P.S Happy 20th Anniversary to my parents which was on June 17th, I just wasnt home to post. :] Love you both!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just For You Guys

I've been cleaning my room for 3 hours to get .2 seconds of video magic haha. You'll see later today what I mean.

Peace & Lysol,
Kelsey Robinson

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Blog Song

Filming & Editing the promo video for this sight as we speak...or blog :]

Peace & Music

Kelsey Robinson

Thursday, June 11, 2009


My goodness gracious guys. You are too amazing, I am finally at my second goal which is 20 subscribers. I didn't think that was possible. I wanna post a million videos because you all inspire me to do better each day thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am getting pretty busy right about now working and I will be going on vacation next week. I am leaving Tuesday so I am hoping that you all can expect a new video by Monday *Crosses Fingers*. Some updates, oh but first, if anyone reads this it'd be awesome if you could make an account (its free :]) and leave me some comments as well as follow my posts, that'd be ah-mazing. Anyway, I am in the process of writting and recording a couple of new songs, so expect to see those up in the near future, unfortunatly they are a little on the darker side, and what I mean by that is that they are not one of my happier songs not "lets go cut ourselves" music haha, thats NOT me :P. Also, as an appreciation gift to all of my wonderful subscribers, I am saving up for an HD camcorder so my videos will be in WAY better quality so hopefully I will get that soon so I can start making some better videos. I am going to get back to recording my song that I am currently writting until next time...

Peace & Happiness,

Your Friend Kelsey Robinson

Monday, June 8, 2009

Youtube Happiness

I cannot begin to thank every single one of my subscribers for being amazing! These past couple of days have been unreal. In less than 24 hours my new video "My Day With Brittani Taylor" hit over 150 views and I got 3 new subscribers in one day. Now any youtube partner reading this may think, wow thats nothing, I get that in a minute or less. But I don't. I was lucky to get ten views on a video in a week. So I just want to thank every viewer and especially every subscriber and those who have been writting me the past couple of days. You guys are amazing thank you so much.

Peace & Blessings,
Kelsey Robinson